Randy Wolbert

Randy Wolbert


Lehrer der „Linie Leere Wolke West-Östliche Zen-Schule"


Gregory Mayers,
Willigis Jäger

Professional background:

Social Worker – Therapist, Program Manager, Trainer and consultant  – Dialectical Behavior Therapy and Substance Use Disorders

• Course leaders Management of Zen courses, Zen sesshin for psychotherapists at the Benediktushof in Holzkirchen. Zen Sesshins offered in North and South America, Europe and the Middle East – information available on website.

• If necessary, further offers as a Zen teacher coursework on mindfulness for mental health professionals.

• Virtual  sitting group Sundays at 9:00 New York Time and Tuesdays at 19:00 Argentine Time – email me for zoom link.

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